Mr. V8 458/7 Noble Semen Sales

July 28, 2021

Mr. V8 458/7 is one of the leading semen sales sires of BR Cutrer, Inc., and one of the leading Brahman AI sires worldwide.

Semen is available on Mr. V8 458/7 directly from BRC, or through our global semen sales company, Brahman Country Genetics.

Through the years, Noble has earned the position as one of the most dominant and consistent sires of the Brahman world. With more than 600 progeny recorded in the USA alone, he is a proven “improver” across many herds and on many types of cows. Other than paying attention to birth weight, he is simply a bull that you can’t go wrong with using.

Mr. V8 458/7 “Noble” was bred by Brandon & Rachel Cutrer, and is owned by BRC / JD Hudgins Locke Division, and SRS Land and Cattle. Noble is a triple trait leader for WW, YW and disposition.

Noble is the #1 sire of championship Brahman cattle in the USA for 2019 and 2020 including being the sire of these notable offspring:

  • Sire of the 2021 Costa Rica National Champion Bull, Bred and owned by Beeche Brahmans
  • Sire of the 2021 Monteria Colombia Grand Champion and Reserve Grand Champion Female, owned by Tasmania Ranch
  • Sire of the 2021 Monteria Intermediate Division Champion Bull, bred by Leon Brahman
  • Sire of the 2020 Houston Grand Champion Bull – Mr. V8 146/8
  • Sire of the 2020 Houston Grand Champion Female – Miss V8 824/8, also bred by BRC and owned by GKB Cattle
  • Sire of the 2020 Houston Reserve Grand Champion Female – SG Eva, bred by Wesley Janik
  • Sire of the 2020 AJBA All American Grand Champion Female, Miss V8 918/8, Bred by Mollie Cutrer and owned by Grace McCall
  • Sire on the 2020 AJBA All American Grand Champion Bred & Owned Female, BRC Pepper 110/9, bred and owned by Mollie Cutrer
  • Sire of the 2019 Houston Grand Champion Bull – Mr. V8 146/8
  • Sire of the 2019 Houston Reserve Grand Champion Female, Miss V8 824/8, bred by BRC and owned by GKB Cattle
  • Sire of the 2019 US Reserve National Champion Bull – BRC Dutton 376/8
  • Sire of the 2019 AJBA All American Grand Champion Female, Miss V8 671/8, owned by Walters Livestock
  • Sire of the 2019 AJBA All American Reserve Grand Champion Bull, Mr. V8 195/8, owned by Baylie Clay
  • Sire of the 2018 Houston Grand Champion Bull – Mr. V8 146/8
  • Sire of the 2018 Houston Reserve Grand Champion Female, Miss V8 669/8, owned by V8 Ranch
  • Sire of the 2017 Reserve National Champion Female, Miss V8 483/8, owned by V8 Ranch

If you have a Noble winner you’d like to add to this list, please email

To purchase semen on Noble, please contact us at 979-532-9141 or email We are happy to also connect you with our officially licensed semen distributors in various countries who can accommodate your orders.

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