RWT Hat Creek 832 "Raider"
ABBA #: 990437
Born: April 2018
Sire: JDH Mr Raider Manso (Gates)
Dam: JLT Ms Alicia
Cow Family: Outcross
Owned by: BRC & Tipp Ranch
Breed Character: ★★★★ Calving Ease: ★★★★★
Marbling: ★★★★★ Disposition: ★★★★★
Maternal: ★★★★★ Show Appeal: ★★★
Outcross genetics to the typical BRC bloodlines with a phenomenal pedigree including the great power from Janie Tipp’s program. Raider is a low birthweight, high marbling bull that still exemplifies the moderate frame size, muscling, balance, and breed character we are striving for. A half-sibling (also sired by the 426/8 Hudgins division bull) was named Reserve Grand Champion Female at the 2020 All American for Ty Hebert. Raider has also emerged as one of our “go-to” calving ease sires for Brahman show heifers. Our top female from the fall 2020 calf crop is sired by Raider.
RWT Hat Creek 832 "Raider"'s Progeny
- Calf Champion Bull, 2023 Houston Livestock Show
- $80,000 High Selling Bull, BRC Best of the Fall Borns 2023 Sale
RC Chiquita Lupita 126
Sired by Raider
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BRC Ranch Business Office
1730 North Richmond
Wharton, TX 77488
BRC Ranch Headquarters
10406 FM 1301
Boling, TX 77420
Phone: 979-532-9141
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