Rachel Hudgins and son, J.D. Hudgins

May 13, 2010

The Man: J.D. Hudgins

Brahman history is very important to BRC, and we are proud of the “girls” in our family’s ancestry to many Brahman pioneers.

In this blog, we share a few facts about Rachel, Mollie and Annie’s family true. We are proud to trace our Texas roots to 8 generations of ranchers:

Our Family Tree:

Rachel Northington Hudgins

–> J.D. Hudgins

–> Ethel Hudgins Forgason

–> Lanier Hudgins Forgason

–> Mollie Forgason Williams

–> Jim Williams

–> Rachel Williams Cutrer

–>> Mollie Cutrer and Annie Cutrer

Here are a few fun facts about our 3x and 4x great grandfather, J.D. Hudgins.

  • He’s probably the most famous “name” in the Brahman business, even though he passed away in 1924. Interestingly, this was the same year ABBA started.
  • After Joel Hudgins’ death, his wife, Rachel Ann Northington Hudgins, decided to move back to the original old home place which was located 2 miles northwest of Hungerford, in about 1874.
  • When J.D. was 21 years old, his mother Rachel had named him as manager of all of her properties. These properties were a significant amount of land and cattle especially during this time.
  • J.D. was known as a good business man with sound judgement and although the condition of the south was very bad due to the recent civil war, the family was able to hold their land together and grow enough feed for their livestock and their familes.

Edgar Hudgins, world famous historian, described J.D. as a man who was bowlegged. Here is a story I found extremely humorous, though at the time, it probably was horrible, but looking back, what kind of person would do this??

“On one occassion, J.D. had his leg broken, and the doctor came out and set it and put it in a cast and made it straight. J.D. supposed that the leg was straight rather than bowed, as it naturally was. So, he had one of the boys go down to the barn, saddle his horse, and lead the horse up beside him on the porch of the house. He stepped up on the horse, and found out that his leg WAS straight..and not bowed.

He immediately sent word for the doctor to come back, remove the cast, and re-set the leg as it should be bowed. The doctor had to break the leg over, re-set it, and let J.D. try it on the horse to make sure it was right”

Family heritage is very important to us, and we share these stories with pride. We believe in hard work, business integrity, and grit. These are the values and passions we hold dear and hope to instill in future generations.

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