BRC Bulls Top the Brahman Trait Leaders List

May 9, 2023

In May 2023, The Brahman Journal published a list of trait leaders for the most recent ABBA Sire Evaluation. Several BRC / Brahman Country Genetics bulls topped the list. 

Brahman Birth Weight Trait Leaders
SBR Imperator Buckmarso – This bull is bred and owned by Sartwelle Brahman Ranch but was leased by BRC and we are thrilled with his calves. He is available through Brahman Country Genetics. 

Brahman Weaning Weight Trait Leaders 
Mr. V8 160/8 – This is a performance powerhouse who also sired the 2023 Houston Champion Get of Sire. He is known for breeding tremendous muscling in his offspring

Brahman Yearling Weight Trait Leaders
+BRC Noble 458/7 ranks as the #1 yearling weight trait leader once again. He has held this position for numerous years. 

Brahman Docility Trait Leaders
+BRC Noble 458/7 ranks as the #1 gentlest disposition bull of the breed. 

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