B.R. Cutrer, Inc. is proud to announce Agrocal as a new distributor of BRC Ranch semen, serving Central America. Agrocal is a company with over 25 years of experience in …
BRC’s “Sweetie” Reigns as Brahman Queen for the 2018-2019 Show Season
Miss V8 486/8, better known as “Sweetie”, was named 2019 International Champion Grey Brahman Female at the Houston Livestock Show. Judge Blake Nelson of Missouri selected her as the top …
Brandon Cutrer Elected to Serve ABBA Executive Board
Brandon Cutrer was elected to serve as a member of the ABBA’s Executive Board for the 2019-2010 fiscal year. The officers were elected at the ABBA Annual Membership Meeting on …
Rachel Cutrer Receives 12-Year Service Pin from ABBA
Rachel Cutrer of B.R. Cutrer, Inc. was recognized at the 2019 ABBA Annual Membership Meeting for 12 years of service on the American Brahman Breeders Association board of directors. She …